The South Meraung Village (Desa Meraung Kidul) is the 2nd episode of Arip and Agung horror adventure story game after The Mystery of Meraung Village.
Agung and Arip unintentionally discovered a mysterious village known as The South Meraung Village.
Agung got lost, and Arip has to find him and save him from a great danger!
List of full episodes of Arip and Agung horror stories game:
- Mystery of Meraung Village (Misteri Desa Meraung)
- South Meraung Village (Desa Meraung Kidul)
- White Crocodile Shapeshifter (Siluman Buaya Putih)
- Kalimedi Station : Agung No Way Home (Stasiun Kalimedi)
- Roasted Dead Crows (Ritual Sate Gagak)
- Welcome to Kalimedi (Selamat datang di Kalimedi)
- Cursed Hospital (Rumah Sakit Kematian)
- Trapped With The Deads (Terjebak di Alam Setan)
- Zombie Experiment (Eksperimen Jahanam)
- Nanny’s Revenge (Dendam Nenek Kanibal)
- Morowedi Motel (Losmen Morowedi)
- Mbah Sukemo Exorcism (Rukiyah Mbah Sukemo)