cLeaderboard is our own leaderboard system with one purpose: to make our game players be able to compare their game scores with the other players globally.
This is a privacy policy and terms and conditions page for one of our services “cLeaderboard”.
If you are playing one of our games and using leaderboard feature, you agree that:
- We collect your IP address when you started using cLeaderboard.
- We store your “nickname” you’ve entered on leaderboard page at first time you used it.
- Based on IP address collected, we analyze what is your Country Code you are based at first time you started activating cLeaderboard.
- Then we will update our database with your current score of a particular game you are playing regularly and show it to the rest players globally so they can compare their scores. Thus all the players can see three things about you: your nickname, your country flag image and your score & rank.
- Your nickname and any information related to it only available to you as long you have the game. If you reset or uninstall or delete the game you are using, you will lost your data and you must submit another nickname to start using it again.
- We can remove any cLeaderboard data without notifying you or requesting your permission anytime.
We need to collect those information to make this leaderboard system running as it supposed to be. For security reason, we also must collect your IP address.
Other things that displayed on cLeaderboard stay in our database securely and we do not share them to any third party.
However, please visit our main Privacy Policy page in this link: