Agung escaped the river of White Crocodile Shapeshifter by hitch hiking a train. Now he arrived at a cursed train station known as Kalimedi Station.
Play as Agung and try to survive all those bad things happening on that abandoned train station.
Your mission is to activate the red locomotive to run from Kalimedi Station.
List of full episodes of Arip and Agung horror stories game:
- Mystery of Meraung Village (Misteri Desa Meraung)
- South Meraung Village (Desa Meraung Kidul)
- White Crocodile Shapeshifter (Siluman Buaya Putih)
- Kalimedi Station : Agung No Way Home (Stasiun Kalimedi)
- Roasted Dead Crows (Ritual Sate Gagak)
- Welcome to Kalimedi (Selamat datang di Kalimedi)
- Cursed Hospital (Rumah Sakit Kematian)
- Trapped With The Deads (Terjebak di Alam Setan)
- Zombie Experiment (Eksperimen Jahanam)
- Nanny’s Revenge (Dendam Nenek Kanibal)
- Morowedi Motel (Losmen Morowedi)
- Mbah Sukemo Exorcism (Rukiyah Mbah Sukemo)